About our Teams

About Baseball Teams

Our aim is to place athletes in the “right” environment for their growth and for an experience that builds their love of the game. To provide this, Elevate’s team structure includes multiple teams at all levels, including Academy teams at the youth ages.

Elevate’s Teal Teams
8U-13U (youth) & 14U-18U (high school)

Elevate’s Academy Teams
9U-12U (youth only)

Comparing Teal & Elevate Teams – What’s Right for Your Athlete?

 Teal TeamsAcademy Teams
Team TypeMore advanced for the age group and commonly referred to as “premier,” “select,” or “travel” teams. Not yet at a level to compete against higher level local teams and commonly referred to as “Rec” teams.
Player TypeMore advanced at their age group in skill level, physical abilities, baseball acumen, etc. Fits team needs.  Skill level and baseball acumen are currently below players of Teal teams. Their physicality may not be at a level to compete against players on “premier” or “travel” teams.
TrainingReceive weekly professional instruction from Elevate’s staff in the fall and winter to prepare for their spring and summer seasons.Receive weekly professional instruction from Elevate’s staff in the fall and winter to prepare for their spring and summer seasons.
Coaching14u-18u teams have paid coaches who may have college or professional playing experience. 8u-13u teams have either paid coaches as described above or dad coaches. All coaches will receive development from Elevate staff to provide the appropriate experience for the respective age groups.Academy teams will have coaches that are also Elevate instructors. We believe that these players may be a bit behind the abilities of those on the Teal teams, but with the help of Elevate staff from fall’s training season through the entire playing season they have a chance to earn a spot on a Teal team the following year.
GamesPlay in local tournaments to face similar types of teams and may travel to events to face some of the best teams other states or regions have to offer.Play in local tournaments and pick-up games against teams of similar abilities.
SelectionMost players are chosen during tryouts in the summer or fall. Additional tryouts may be held at other times based on team needs.Players who are not selected for the Teal teams are offered spots on Academy teams. Assessments may be held at other times based on team needs and inquiries from families looking for a home for their athlete.

For more information about the teams and tryouts, select an option below.